Letters from Gilead 

Released November 12, 2021

About this album... 

Inspired by the dystopia in the TV drama ‘The Handmaid’s Tale’ and the novel by Margaret Atwood that lies behind it, ‘Letters from Gilead’ by The Haze & Dacey Collective has huge topical connection. A single genre does no justice to their sound that blends indie folk, alt country, pop, rock and a little gospel. But running throughout is a haunting restlessness that perfectly binds these stories of the hope, courage and humanity required to survive deeply uncertain times...

Hitching an entire album to another form of art comes with risk. Where The Haze & Dacey Collective pull it off so comprehensively lies in the versatility of ‘Letters from Gilead’. Whether musically, the direct lyrics or its original concept in ‘The Handmaid’s Tale’, this is a riveting listen.

~ Lyndon Bolton, Americana UK

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